Mahbubul Haq Bhuiyan


AI/ML Researcher

QBL Practitioner

Tech Enthusiast


Memories from VTC 2024 Spring as the Only Bangladeshi Author Presenting in the Conference

Memories from VTC 2024 Spring as the Only Bangladeshi Author Presenting in the Conference

I was fortunate enough to represent Bangladesh in VTC 2024 – Spring (Core B Ranked) conference which took place at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore in June 2024. I was the only Bangladeshi author who attended the conference and presented his paper Alhamdulillah.

The paper was entitled “Advancements in Bangla Speech Emotion Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach with Cross-Lingual Validation”. This work wouldn’t be possible without the help of very talented Khorshed Alam bhai.

Another great thing about this conference was the spectacular event organized by IEEE VTS and IEEE YP entitled “IEEE VTS Students and Young Professionals Mentoring Meet” where my mentor was Prof. Yuan Wu from University of Macau. I had almost 2 hours of insightful discussion with him where he guided me about impactful publication secrets and many more. This is something every conference should follow and organize.

Last but not the least, I met people from Samsung Florida, NUS and many more. It was a wonderful networking opportunity in the very early phrase of my academic life. I’m thankful to the Almighty and all my mentors for the constant support throughout my research journey.

Cheers for more of these existing opportunities.

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