My Research/Academic Journey from 2023-2024

Myself and the academic/research journey from 2023-2024. Long post warning!
My research journey started when I got my thesis paper accepted on Eurocon 2023, a flagship conference on Europe and IEEE Region 8. Apparently that was my 1st publication under the brilliant guidance of Md Fahad Monir sir and Tarem sir. And from there, I never looked back. Continously claiming venues like Tencon, Tensymp, prestigious venue like VTC and what more!
From 2023-2024, till now, got 2 Q1 journals accepted on IEEE Access (Q1 journal, IF: 3.56), multiple conference papers accepted on Core B and Core C conferences, attending VTC 2024-Spring in Singapore as the only Bangladeshi author to represent Bangladesh at such a prestigious venue and what not! The constant research partner so far was the incredibly talented Khorshed Alam bhai. Got a conference paper accepted on ICETOL 2024, Turkey with my mentor, the honorable Vice Chancellor of Southeast University , Prof. Dr. Yusuf Mahbubul Islam sir on the topic I love from the core of my heart, “QBL-Question Based Learning”. Competing my MSCSE project this year under the brilliant supervision of the legendary Prof. Dr. Dewan Farid sir and joining Southeast University as a full time Lecturer of CSE, this year 2024 was nothing but a blessing for me, Alhamdulillah.
I still remember, there was a time when I thought I won’t be able to conduct research works, and now I lost count on how many papers I’m working on, all thanks to the Almighty, my research partners and my mentors of course. Can’t wait to see what is waiting in 2025 for me.
If you ask me what do I wish to do in 2025, I will say I would try to take my department of CSE and the Southeast University to a whole new level by the little works I’m doing right now in the international platforms. The strength behind my dedication will definitely go to my parents, my mentors and of course my dear students. My students are the reason why I continously try to improve myself to teach them even more interactively. May Allah bless me to do so, Ameen.
I could write for 1 hour straight, but it is better to end the post here. Last but not the least, the people who are in my list, if you are interested about learning how to research or want to collaborate with me, feel free to keep in touch. Please do pray for me so that I can continue to contribute to the better good of the society and the country as a whole. The people in the pictures and the pictures attached are very precious for me btw.