Life Advice According to Someone from late 20s

Live your life so that if someone says “Be yourself” it’s a good advice – Robert Orben
I still remember that back in 2011, I wrote a quote “Sometimes we need to forget the days of our past. To do that we need to do something for our future in our present time.”
Now, at my late 20s, I’ve went through numerous incidents, life events, people, friends and what not. These years of experiences have shaped me to follow some key things that I wish to share with all of you here today in LinkedIn. Let’s begin.
Aim for the stars so that the minimum you can reach is the moon.
– We should never settle down for less. We should dream big, work accordingly. Your dreams define the way you will live your life.
Respect everyone, it is free. The end result is extraordinary.
– There’s no harm to respect everyone, even your enemies. Being humble and showing a positive attitude towards everyone will make you stand out from others. Don’t just respect for getting back respect, remember it is for the Almighty and for the life after death. You will automatically get rewards in unexpected ways.
Give your maximum effort, trust the process and the Almighty.
– No matter what you do, in your workplace or in your family or surroundings, never hesitate to give your full efforts. If there’s no one appreciating that, remember, the Almighty is seeing everything.
Results sometimes won’t come instantly, it takes time. But the wait is worth it.
– If you believe in instant results after everything you do, you will be disappointed in life. Good things take time and remember, it is always worth the wait.
Never chase for money, choose your passion. Everything else will follow.
– Making money in life is important undoubtedly. But more important I believe is following your passion. If you are passionate about what you are doing, everything else will follow you.
Think about long-term benefits. Temporary happiness won’t last long.
– Choosing temporary happiness over long-term benefits won’t result good in long run. Always think about long-term.
Choose your own role models and follow their footsteps.
– Always choose your role models. Consult with them if possible and try to follow their footsteps. Your life will change like magic.
Lastly, never stop learning. There’s no stop in improving yourself. There’s always a better version of you.
– I do believe that we can learn something from everyone. There’s always scope of improvement for everything. Never stop improving your own self, keep making yourself the best version of you.
I will In Sha Allah post more articles from now on. Feel free to share your valuable feedback. Thanking you all.